Saturday, May 16, 2009


In NIIT there are many possibility for elecric genrating because of its status and feild .In my views there are many types of electric generating system can be instald to generate energy and these are three as
1.Wind energy
2.Solar energy
3. Biogas energy
Wind energy

As for as the matter of energy is concerned wind energy is should be best for niit because of those reasons, thats are:.
a.This is stayed on high level place.
b. This area has no more air bariars.
c. This institute is stable in rural arban area.
d.Due to following observation -
In my observation of NIIT i oversee here whenever i observe here averytime i saw the higher quantities of year ,everytime.
i also saw regular fluency of air that and that are required for this project.
and i hope that it will be better for it when it is not getting sufficient energy from other sources.
During the probleme of electricity wind energy will becomes importent.

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